Teach Yourself Guitar

In this article, we are going to look at all the resources available to help you teach yourself guitar.

At Guitar Academy, we provide one to one guitar lessons in Petersfield and Online. We know how to teach all ages and abilities to play the guitar and have done for several years. But its also good to be able to develop your skills independently and utilise the huge amount of resources available for personal development. Obviously, if you get stuck, you can always call on us to have a bespoke lesson with a real tutor.


Youtube is a popular resource for a lot of things and is not lacking in videos on how to play the guitar. If you are looking to teach yourself guitar and happy to work on songs that may interest you, then YouTube is a good place to start. YouTube might not provide a structured way of teaching yourself guitar, but if you remain persistent and don’t let obstacles get in your way, you will be fine.

Did you know we have a YouTube channel… https://youtube.com/gtracad


This website is THE website for guitar TABS. Guitar TABs are a great to teach yourself to play the guitar. Guitar TABS show you how to play the songs you love using a format called TAB. TAB is short for Tablature and is an easier form of sheet music for guitarists. Ultimate Guitar is a famous resource for FREE guitar TABS and is populated with 100s of TABS from contributors daily.

Click here to visit Ultimate Guitar


Books are another great resource to help you teach yourself guitar. Books can provide a bit more of a structured learning path and allow you to concentrate on teaching yourself guitar free from distractions such as Facebook.

We do not have any book recommendations, in particular, there is simply too many and we have not read them all. But we do recommend when you have some techniques under your fingers, to start working on grade music exams using grade books from Rockschool. Graded music books are a great way to teach yourself guitar and provide you with a structured pathway for progress as well as allow you to gain recognised qualifications if you choose.

Click here to visit the Rockschool online store

Online courses

There are tons of online video courses to help you teach yourself guitar. Too many platforms to name but below is a few of our favourites. These online courses are a great way to teach yourself guitar as they provide you with a structured video course you can follow at your own pace.

Sites we like include: Udemy, Thinkific and Coursera


There is lots of resources to help you teach yourself guitar. But there are a couple of things you need to remember.

  1. Not all resources will be able to give you a structured and progressive route to becoming a great guitarist.
  2. You will encounter many setbacks and miss information. Do not let this stop your progression. Persevere and you will succeed.

If you get stuck you can always call on the professional to help steer you in the right direction. Guitar Academy provides online one to one tuition as well as face to face in our centre in Petersfield. If you want to book a session with us then get in touch! Our details are below

We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful.