Month: April 2020

G Major Scale Exercise

Technique Tuesday!

This weeks technique is actually a scale exercise to help you develop your dexterity. When practicing scales, try applying a similar method shown in todays exercise.

All you have to do is play ascending 4 notes from each note of the scale. So you play the first four notes from the first note, then go back to the second note and play four notes and then return to the third note and play 4 notes etc.

Slightly confusing! but hopefully you will get the gist of it in this weeks example. Try this exercise at any tempo you want and then gradually increase the speed. Where possible, assign 1 finger per fret. Good luck!

Tech and Apps for Musicians – Dolby On

Like most Guitarists we love technology. Pedals, Amps, Recording Tech, Apps, everything!

So in this short series of posts we are going to look at some of the newest apps on the market as well as technology available for the creative musicians out there. Most of the tech we feature will not just be for Guitarists. But we are a guitar website so…. you know.

This week we downloaded an app for IOS and Android called Dolby On. Which is simply an app for capturing and sharing high quality video. But with the added benefit of enhanced sound quality. Dolby are world renowned for their innovations and expertise in the field of audio and having their expertise included in a free downloadable app is quite exciting.

The app itself seems to use a combination of noise filtering, EQ curves and stereo widening to make the audio you capture with your video sounds top notch!

This is particularly useful if you are capturing a live performance or recording your own performances or creative pursuits.

We are not 100% on how the app actually works but we think its pretty cool and should definitely be downloaded by any creative video maker.

Check out the promo video below and of course download it for yourself.