In this weeks blog post we are going to look at AmpliTube from software and hardware company IK Multimedia.
AmpliTube is a piece of software that emulates the sound of amps, pedals, speaker cabinets and how they sound with different mic configurations. This powerful program is a great addition to any recording guitarist looking to get a really good guitar tone without having to actually mic up an amp.
As a recording guitarist AmpliTube is great for trying out different guitar tones on your recorded electric guitar parts. It also allows you the scope to adjust and change the tone in post production. So if you change your mind about the tone you applied to your recording guitar, you can change it.

AmpliTube works as a plugin on all major digital audio workstations (DAW) such as: Protools, Logic, Cubase.
It has many cool features that allow you to craft your tone and access simulations of amps that you could only dream of owning. The software interface is also familiar as it emulates the look and controls of popular amps and pedals.

The full version is quite expensive at around £150. But you can also get a lite version for free that offers the ability to build on your software amp collection. Similar to in app purchases.
Either way we think its great and a great addition for any recording guitarist. Check out the links below for free and full version information.
On a final note, we think the software is very good but we found the installation and license manager to be difficult to use. Sometimes we experienced licensing issues getting the programs to work and when downloading some free apps from IK. There was lots of additional plugins that were download but not authorised. This made the boot time of DAW programs slow and also over crowded the plugin menus with software that were only in demo mode.
Learn more about AmpliTude here:
Download a FREE official version from their site here: