Latest announcement
We are once again able to offer face to face lessons. We will be doing this in addition to our online lessons. If you are visiting us in the centre, please check out the information below.
COVID Measures
For all visitors
- Masks must be worn in our reception area.
- You must use the hand sanitiser before and after your lesson.
- Screens are in place to separate you and the tutor during your lesson.
- Please do not wait in our waiting room. Please turn up as close to your lesson time as possible.
- Parents are asked to wait in the car if possible.
- Toilets are off-limits to visitors. Apologies.
- Please pay for your lesson online.
- Do not attend if you are feeling unwell or have a temperature.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep everyone safe.
What is Guitar Academy doing to keep everyone safe?
Things that we are doing to keep Guitar Academy COVID Secure.
We are regularly cleaning between customers and disinfecting surfaces
We have put up a protective screen in the room and applied social distance markers.
We are not taking any payments on site. Payments will exclusively be taken online for the time being.
We have closed our waiting area. Please wait in your car or outside or to the right of the front door and wait to be called in.
Hand sanitiser stations are available. Please use these before and after your lesson.
Our toilet facilities and waiting area is temporarily off limits at this time.
Guidance for Customers
Things you can do to help everyone stay safe.
Observe the signage.
Do not attend and inform us if you feel unwell. Please inform us as soon as possible.
Do not attend and inform us if you have travelled internationally.
Do not attend if you have a vulnerable family member or have anyone shielding in your family.
Please bring your own instrument and accessories.
We can provide masks if you need one, but these are single use and optional to use.
Please observe hygiene practices and wash your hands when you get home.
Please avoid touching your face.
Payment for lessons will be online only for the time being.
Guitar Academy COVID Risk Assessment
We will soon publish our risk assessment should this be of any interest.
Useful links
NHS Covid 19 Advice
Government Advice
Blog posts
How to tune your Guitar